General Data Protection Notice


Version:            V 1.0

Date:                07th June 2018

Author:             David McCausland of DMC Technology (Scotland) Ltd

Stored at:          Joseph House, Denmore Road, Aberdeen, AB23 8JW

DMC Technology (Scotland) Ltd hereby confirm that information and personal data submitted by you in relation to visiting our website shall be collected, processed and stored in accordance with the requirements of personal data protection laws of the European Union as defined in the GDPR.

By submitting your data, you agree that the data shall be processed and stored for the duration of the purpose indicated herein and in cases provided for by applicable laws after initial processing as long as it would be required.

The data collected will not be transferred to third parties without your prior consent except in cases where we may be legally obliged to disclose your personal information without your knowledge to the extent that we are required to do so by law.

You shall be entitled at any time to require an update of your data, information regarding use of your personal data, to object to processing, to request transfer of your data as well as to require deletion of your data by contacting us on the details provided.